Group hierarchy
Functional descriptions
Functional Category
- M: Cell wall/membrane/envelope biogenesis
- O: Posttranslational modification, protein turnover, chaperones
GO Molecular Function
- 5 genes with GO:0008440: inositol-1,4,5-trisphosphate 3-kinase activity
- 5 genes with GO:0051765: inositol tetrakisphosphate kinase activity
- 5 genes with GO:0016301: kinase activity
- 5 genes with GO:0016740: transferase activity
GO Biological Process
- 5 genes with GO:0032958: inositol phosphate biosynthetic process
- 5 genes with GO:0016310: phosphorylation
GO Cellular Component
- 5 genes with GO:0005737: cytoplasm
- 5 genes with GO:0005634: nucleus
Evolutionary descriptions
Orthologs by organism
Organism | Protein ID | UniProt | Description
- Balaenoptera acutorostrata, genome GCF_949987535.1 M lesser rorqual
- Balaenoptera musculus, genome GCF_009873245.2
- Delphinapterus leucas, genome GCF_002288925.2 M beluga;white whale
- Eschrichtius robustus, genome GCA_029890035.1 California gray whale;gray whale
- Globicephala melas, genome GCA_006547405.1 M
- Globicephala melas, genome GCF_006547405.1 M
- Kogia breviceps, genome GCF_026419965.1 M
- Lagenorhynchus obliquidens, genome GCF_003676395.1 M
- Lipotes vexillifer, genome GCF_000442215.1 M baiji
- Monodon monoceros, genome GCF_005190385.1
- Neophocaena asiaeorientalis asiaeorientalis, genome GCF_003031525.1 M
- Orcinus orca, genome GCF_937001465.1 M Orca
- Phocoena sinus, genome GCA_008692025.1 M
- Phocoena sinus, genome GCF_008692025.1 M
- Physeter catodon, genome GCF_002837175.3
- Sousa chinensis, genome GCA_007760645.1 M
- Tursiops aduncus, genome GCA_003227395.1 M
- Tursiops truncatus, genome GCF_011762595.1 Atlantic bottlenose dolphin;bottle-nosed dolphin