Group hierarchy
Functional descriptions
Functional Category
- I: Lipid transport and metabolism
- T: Signal transduction mechanisms
- O: Posttranslational modification, protein turnover, chaperones
KEGG pathway
- 1 gene with ecb01100: Metabolic pathways
- 1 gene with ko00030: Pentose phosphate pathway
- 1 gene with ko00270: Cysteine and methionine metabolism
- 1 gene with ko00562: Inositol phosphate metabolism
- 1 gene with ko00564: Glycerophospholipid metabolism
- 1 gene with ko03013: RNA transport
- 1 gene with ko04015: Rap1 signaling pathway
- 1 gene with ko04020: Calcium signaling pathway
- 1 gene with ko04062: Chemokine signaling pathway
- 1 gene with ko04070: Phosphatidylinositol signaling system
- 1 gene with ko04071: Sphingolipid signaling pathway
- 1 gene with ko04261: Adrenergic signaling in cardiomyocytes
- 1 gene with ko04270: Vascular smooth muscle contraction
- 1 gene with ko04310: Wnt signaling pathway
- 1 gene with ko04540: Gap junction
- 1 gene with ko04621: NOD-like receptor signaling pathway
- 1 gene with ko04720: Long-term potentiation
- 1 gene with ko04730: Long-term depression
- 1 gene with ko04912: GnRH signaling pathway
- 1 gene with ko04915: Estrogen signaling pathway
- 1 gene with ko04916: Melanogenesis
- 1 gene with ko04918: Thyroid hormone synthesis
- 1 gene with ko04922: Glucagon signaling pathway
- 1 gene with ko04924: Renin secretion
- 1 gene with ko04933: AGE-RAGE signaling pathway in diabetic complications
- 1 gene with ko04970: Salivary secretion
- 1 gene with ko04971: Gastric acid secretion
- 1 gene with ko04972: Pancreatic secretion
- 1 gene with ko05010: Alzheimer's disease
- 1 gene with ko05016: Huntington's disease
- 1 gene with ko05142: Chagas disease (American trypanosomiasis)
- 1 gene with ko05143: African trypanosomiasis
- 1 gene with ko05146: Amoebiasis
- 1 gene with ko05206: MicroRNAs in cancer
- 1 gene with myd04371: Apelin signaling pathway
GO Molecular Function
- 24 genes with GO:0030572: phosphatidyltransferase activity
- 24 genes with GO:0016780: phosphotransferase activity, for other substituted phosphate groups
- 24 genes with GO:0043337: cardiolipin synthase (CMP-forming)
GO Biological Process
- 24 genes with GO:0032049: cardiolipin biosynthetic process
- 24 genes with GO:0006629: lipid metabolic process
- 24 genes with GO:0008654: phospholipid biosynthetic process
GO Cellular Component
- 24 genes with GO:0005739: mitochondrion
Evolutionary descriptions
Orthologs by organism
Organism | Protein ID | UniProt | Description
Physeter catodon, Pig, T.truncatus
cetaceans;whale;whales, dolphins, and porpoises
Physeter catodon, T.truncatus
- Balaenoptera musculus, genome GCF_009873245.2
- Balaenoptera physalus, genome GCA_008795845.1 common rorqual;finback whale
- Eschrichtius robustus, genome GCA_029890035.1 California gray whale;gray whale
- Monodon monoceros, genome GCF_005190385.1
- Physeter catodon, genome GCF_002837175.3
- Tursiops truncatus, genome GCF_011762595.1 Atlantic bottlenose dolphin;bottle-nosed dolphin
- Bos taurus, genome GCF_002263795.1 bovine;cow;dairy cow;domestic cattle;domestic cow;ox
- Bubalus bubalis, genome GCF_019923935.1 domestic water buffalo;river buffalo
- Camelus dromedarius, genome GCF_000803125.2 camel;dromedaries;dromedary;dromedary camel;one-humped camel
- Capra hircus, genome GCF_001704415.1 domestic goat;goats
- Cervus hanglu yarkandensis, genome GCA_010411085.1
- Hippopotamus amphibius kiboko, genome GCF_030028045.1
- Odocoileus virginianus texanus, genome GCF_002102435.1
- Ovis aries, genome GCF_016772045.1 domestic sheep;lambs;wild sheep
- Sus scrofa, genome GCF_000003025.6 pigs;swine;wild boar
cetaceans;whale;whales, dolphins, and porpoises
Physeter catodon, T.truncatus
Canis lupus familiaris
- Ailuropoda melanoleuca, genome GCF_002007445.1
- Crocuta crocuta, genome GCA_008692635.1
- Enhydra lutris kenyoni, genome GCF_002288905.1
- Felis catus, genome GCF_018350175.1 cat;cats
- Gulo gulo luscus, genome GCA_024509225.1
- Leptonychotes weddellii, genome GCF_000349705.1
- Mustela putorius furo, genome GCF_011764305.1 black ferret;ferret
- Suricata suricatta, genome GCF_006229205.1 slender-tailed meerkat;suricate
- Ursus maritimus, genome GCF_017311325.1 white bear
- Zalophus californianus, genome GCF_009762305.2 California sealion
Erinaceus europaeus
- Condylura cristata, genome GCF_000260355.1
- Erinaceus europaeus, genome GCF_000296755.1 common hedgehog;European hedgehog
- Sorex araneus, genome GCF_027595985.1 Eurasian shrew
- Suncus etruscus, genome GCF_024139225.1
- Talpa occidentalis, genome GCF_014898055.3
- Artibeus jamaicensis, genome GCF_021234435.1
- Ceratotherium simum cottoni, genome GCA_021442165.1 M northern square-lipped rhinoceros
- Ceratotherium simum simum, genome GCF_000283155.1 M southern square-lipped rhinoceros
- Desmodus rotundus, genome GCF_022682495.1 vampire bat
- Diceros bicornis minor, genome GCF_020826845.1
- Eptesicus fuscus, genome GCF_027574615.1 M
- Equus asinus, genome GCF_016077325.2 M African ass;African wild ass;domestic ass;donkey;Somali wild ass
- Equus caballus, genome GCF_002863925.1 domestic horse;equine
- Equus przewalskii, genome GCF_000696695.1 M Przewalski horse
- Equus quagga, genome GCF_021613505.1 M plains zebra
- Hipposideros armiger, genome GCF_001890085.1 great Himalayan leaf-nosed bat;great leaf-nosed bat
- Hipposideros galeritus, genome GCA_004027415.1
- Manis javanica, genome GCA_024605085.1 M Javan pangolin;Sunda pangolin
- Manis pentadactyla, genome GCF_030020395.1
- Megaderma lyra, genome GCA_004026885.1 greater false vampire bat
- Miniopterus natalensis, genome GCF_001595765.1
- Molossus molossus, genome GCF_014108415.1
- Myotis brandtii, genome GCF_000412655.1 M
- Myotis davidii, genome GCF_000327345.1
- Myotis lucifugus, genome GCF_000147115.1
- Myotis myotis, genome GCF_014108235.1
- Phyllostomus discolor, genome GCF_004126475.2
- Phyllostomus hastatus, genome GCF_019186645.2 M
- Pipistrellus kuhlii, genome GCF_014108245.1
- Pteronotus parnellii mesoamericanus, genome GCF_021234165.1
- Pteropus alecto, genome GCF_000325575.1 M
- Pteropus giganteus, genome GCF_902729225.1 M
- Pteropus vampyrus, genome GCF_000151845.1
- Rhinolophus ferrumequinum, genome GCF_004115265.2
- Rousettus aegyptiacus, genome GCF_014176215.1
- Sturnira hondurensis, genome GCF_014824575.2