Group hierarchy
Functional descriptions
Functional Category
- T: Signal transduction mechanisms
- M: Cell wall/membrane/envelope biogenesis
- O: Posttranslational modification, protein turnover, chaperones
KEGG pathway
GO Molecular Function
- 6 genes with GO:0004222: metalloendopeptidase activity
- 6 genes with GO:0008237: metallopeptidase activity
- 6 genes with GO:0016787: hydrolase activity
- 6 genes with GO:0046872: metal ion binding
- 6 genes with GO:0008270: zinc ion binding
GO Biological Process
- 6 genes with GO:0006508: proteolysis
- 6 genes with GO:0030198: extracellular matrix organization
- 6 genes with GO:0030574: collagen catabolic process
GO Cellular Component
- 6 genes with GO:0005615: extracellular space
Evolutionary descriptions
Orthologs by organism
Organism | Protein ID | UniProt | Description
- Acinonyx jubatus, genome GCF_027475565.1 M
- Ailuropoda melanoleuca, genome GCF_002007445.1
- Callorhinus ursinus, genome GCF_003265705.1 M
- Canis lupus, genome GCA_905319855.2 M grey wolf
- Canis lupus dingo, genome GCF_003254725.2 M
- Canis lupus familiaris, genome GCA_014441545.1 dogs
- Canis lupus familiaris, genome GCF_011100685.1 M dogs
- Crocuta crocuta, genome GCA_008692635.1
- Enhydra lutris kenyoni, genome GCF_002288905.1
- Eumetopias jubatus, genome GCF_004028035.1 M northern sea lion
- Felis catus, genome GCF_018350175.1 cat;cats
- Felis catus x Leopardus geoffroyi, genome GCA_018350155.1 M
- Felis catus x Prionailurus bengalensis, genome GCA_016509475.1 M
- Gulo gulo luscus, genome GCA_024509225.1
- Halichoerus grypus, genome GCF_012393455.1 M grey seal
- Hyaena hyaena, genome GCF_003009895.1 M
- Leopardus geoffroyi, genome GCF_018350155.1 M
- Leptonychotes weddellii, genome GCF_000349705.1
- Lontra canadensis, genome GCF_010015895.1 M river otter
- Lutra lutra, genome GCF_902655055.1 M European otter;European river otter
- Lynx canadensis, genome GCF_007474595.2 M
- Lynx pardinus, genome GCA_900661375.1 M
- Lynx rufus, genome GCF_022079265.1 M
- Martes zibellina, genome GCA_012583365.1 M
- Meles meles, genome GCF_922984935.1 M
- Mirounga angustirostris, genome GCF_021288785.2 M
- Mirounga leonina, genome GCF_011800145.1 M
- Mustela erminea, genome GCF_009829155.1 M short-tailed weasel;stoat
- Mustela lutreola, genome GCF_030435805.1 M mink
- Mustela nigripes, genome GCF_022355385.1 M
- Mustela putorius, genome GCA_902460205.1 M
- Mustela putorius furo, genome GCF_011764305.1 black ferret;ferret
- Neofelis nebulosa, genome GCF_028018385.1 M
- Neogale vison, genome GCF_020171115.1 M mink
- Neomonachus schauinslandi, genome GCF_002201575.2 M
- Nyctereutes procyonoides, genome GCF_905146905.1 M
- Odobenus rosmarus divergens, genome GCF_000321225.1 M
- Panthera leo, genome GCF_018350215.1 M
- Panthera leo x Panthera tigris, genome GCA_018350195.1 M
- Panthera pardus, genome GCF_024362965.1 M
- Panthera tigris, genome GCF_018350195.1 M
- Panthera uncia, genome GCF_023721935.1 M
- Phoca vitulina, genome GCA_004348235.1 M
- Phoca vitulina, genome GCF_004348235.1 M
- Prionailurus bengalensis, genome GCF_016509475.1 M
- Prionailurus viverrinus, genome GCF_022837055.1 M
- Puma concolor, genome GCF_003327715.1 M
- Puma yagouaroundi, genome GCF_014898765.1 M
- Suricata suricatta, genome GCF_006229205.1 slender-tailed meerkat;suricate
- Ursus americanus, genome GCF_020975775.1 M
- Ursus arctos, genome GCF_023065955.2 M grizzly bear
- Ursus arctos horribilis, genome GCA_003584765.1 M
- Ursus maritimus, genome GCF_017311325.1 white bear
- Vulpes lagopus, genome GCF_018345385.1 M
- Vulpes vulpes, genome GCF_003160815.1 M silver fox
- Zalophus californianus, genome GCF_009762305.2 California sealion